The Horses Appreciate Your Support!

Make a Donation

While our Boarding and Riding Programs provide much of the revenue to support our retirees, we still depend on you, our friends and supporters, to help maintain the care of these wonderful creatures.

After facility costs and feed / hay, our biggest expenses are farrier and veterinarian fees. Just like humans, older horses are more likely to get sick or injured, and vet expenses can become startlingly high very quickly. In addition, while we hate to think of it, end of life costs for a horse can easily exceed $1,000.

We accept cash donations or donations of certain farm supplies and equipment. If you have new or used equipment to donate, please reach out to us via email.

You can also purchase supplies from our Amazon Wish List!

Manakin Equine Retirement Association, Inc is a Federally Tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 organization. This means your donation can be classified as a “charitable contribution” on your Federal Income Tax return. Email us for a copy of our IRS determination letter.

We and the horses thank you for your support!